Blog de angelcaido666 para comentar asuntos varios, de mi interes personal, de interes publico, de interes general, en fin de todo lo que se me ocurra cuando este de animo para hacerlo: Web 2.0, futbol, internet, politica Boliviana, Oruro, Google, Blogs, Twitter musica en fin..... P.D. Este Blog tiene muy poca info del 666 o numero de la bestia no insistir

miércoles, abril 27, 2022

Los SuperLike o SuperGracias ya disponibles para todos los Youtubers, como activarlo en tu canal

Una de las caracteristicas mas esperadas ya esta disponible para todos los Youtubers mas referencias en:

 Show appreciation to your favorite creators - Super Thanks is expanding today! 

Elegibilidad, disponibilidad y políticas de Súper gracias

2 comentarios:

  1. Financiamiento / Crédito / Préstamo
    Ofrecemos préstamos financieros y préstamos de inversión para todas las personas que tienen necesidades comerciales especiales. Para más información contáctenos a través de correo electrónico: Desde 5000 € hasta 200.000 €
    Desde 200.000 € hasta 50.000.000 €
    Envíe su consulta


  2. Hey there, AngelCaido666x! 🖐️ I just finished reading your article on "Los Superlike o Supergracias," and I couldn't help but drop you a comment to express how much I enjoyed it. Your insights into the evolving world of online communication are spot on, and your writing style is engaging.

    I totally agree with your point about the Superlikes and Supergracias. It's fascinating how these simple digital gestures can convey so much in today's dating culture. Your explanation of the cultural nuances behind these actions is enlightening. It got me thinking about how technology is reshaping the way we express our emotions and intentions. Your article not only informed me about these concepts but also made me reflect on their impact on my own online interactions.

    Moreover, I appreciate how you've blended humor and informative content in this piece. It makes the reading experience not only informative but also enjoyable. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and insights on this topic. I'll definitely be on the lookout for your next articles. Keep up the fantastic work!
