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martes, mayo 23, 2017

Los bolivianos solo estuvieron 6minutos 41 segundos en PornHub el 2016

El Sitio PornHub saco en Enero de Este año su Revision Estadistica del 2016, como se sabe según Alexa, por lo menos 3 sitios de pornografia se encuentran en el Top 50 de sitios mas visitados por bolivianos.

Y por curiosidad buscando en las estadisticas se puede encontrar Bolivia en este apartado que se refiere Time Spent Per Visit (El tiempo que uno tarda en cada visita), pero no entre los que más tiempo pasa sino entre los que menos tiempo pasan, solo superado por Mongolia y Cuba.

Se podrá deber a las pesimas conexiones de internet que tenemos o a que factores.. ???

El Reporte dice lo siguiente:

This year we achieved our New Years resolution to last a little longer. 2016 has 16 seconds up on 2015, establishing an average time on site of 9:36. This could be because we can now take porn with us everywhere we go and more and more people are starting to take advantage of mobile technology in this way. We’ve also seen a huge increase in mobile traffic this past year (+1424% since 2010), but we will look into that a little later.
The Philippines is holding onto its first place position here with an average visit length to Pornhub of 12:45, exactly the same as where they were at in 2015. South Africa is in 2nd position, increasing their average visit by 11 seconds to 10:45. Followed closely by the U.S. of A (10:15, +24 second from 2015), Canada (+22 seconds up to 9:49) and Australia (9:44 up 8 seconds from 2015) to round up our Top 5. Some countries whose average time per visit dropped includes India (8:20, down by 1:10 from 2015) and Japan (7:27 compared to 7:48 in 2015). Russia and Mexico maintained the status quo however, shifting their time by a mere 1 or 2 seconds. Countries who prefer to keep their visits short and to the point include Cuba– keeping it just under 5 minutes, along with Mongolia clocking in at 5:23 and Bolivia at 6:41.

Interesantes las estadisticas de PornHub, donde uno puede encontrar datos interesantes, sobre esta tematica que como muchos dicen es el motor del Internet.

Los pueden revisar completos en: Pornhub’s 2016 Year in Review, 
A ver si se encuentran mas sorpresas.

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