Blog de angelcaido666 para comentar asuntos varios, de mi interes personal, de interes publico, de interes general, en fin de todo lo que se me ocurra cuando este de animo para hacerlo: Web 2.0, futbol, internet, politica Boliviana, Oruro, Google, Blogs, Twitter musica en fin..... P.D. Este Blog tiene muy poca info del 666 o numero de la bestia no insistir

miércoles, junio 24, 2009

Soundtracks Rambo I The First Blood y Django

A Rambo I The First Blood, nunca le di mucha bola cuando era niño, siempre me gusto mas Rambo II pero desde hace unos meses me la ponen a cada rato en el Bus que viajo a Oruro, asi que luego de apagar la Netbook y de tratar de evadirla muchas veces, no me quedo mas remedio que verla una y otra vez.

Y realmente me sorprendio mucho descubrir el mensaje que daba la pelicula, era algo que yo hasta verla muchas veces no logre comprenderla y tambien me sorprendio la musica del final, y es eso lo que les traigo ahora.

Dan Hill

It's a long road
When you're on your own
And it hurts when
They tear your dreams apart
And every new town
Just seems to bring you down
Trying to find peace of mind
Can break your heart
It's a real war
Right outside your front door I tell ya
Out where they'll kill ya
You could use a friend
Where the road is
That's the place for me
Where I'm me in my own space
Where I'm free that's the place
I wanna be
'Cause the road is long yeah
Each step is only the beginning
No breaks just heartaches
Oh man is anybody winning
It's a long road
And it's hard as hell
Tell me what do you do
To survive
When they draw first blood
That's just the start of it
Day and night you gotta fight
To keep alive
It's a long road ...

Y bueno el otro dia tambien por fin pude ver por completo Django siempre vi escenas pero nunca me sente a verla por completo. Esta vez si la vi y realmente me qeude fascinado por la interpretacion de Franco Nero y mas aun por la cancion interpretada por Rocky Roberts y compuesta por Luis Bacalav, y aca se las dejo tb.


Chorus: django!

Django, have you always been alone?

Chorus: django!

Django, have you never loved again?
Love will live on, oh oh oh...
Life must go on, oh oh oh...
For you cannot spend your life regreatting.

Chorus: django!

Django, you must face another day.

Chorus: django!

Django, now your love has gone away.
Once you loved her, whoa-oh...
Now you've lost her, whoa-oh-oh-oh...
But you've lost her for-ever, django.

When there are clouds in the skies, and they are grey.
You may be sad but remember that love will pass away.

Oh django!
After the showers is the sun.
Will be shining...

[instrumental solo]

Once you loved her, whoa-oh...
Now you've lost her, whoa-oh-oh-oh...
But you've lost her for-ever, django.

When there are clouds in the skies, and they are grey.
You may be sad but remember that love will pass away.
Oh django!
After the showers is the sun.
Will be shining...
Oh oh oh django!
You must go on,
Oh oh oh django...

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