Blog de angelcaido666 para comentar asuntos varios, de mi interes personal, de interes publico, de interes general, en fin de todo lo que se me ocurra cuando este de animo para hacerlo: Web 2.0, futbol, internet, politica Boliviana, Oruro, Google, Blogs, Twitter musica en fin..... P.D. Este Blog tiene muy poca info del 666 o numero de la bestia no insistir

jueves, abril 12, 2007

Mi nombre en Japones

Acabo de toparme con esta web en la que se puede traducir tu nombre al japones, el mio vendira a ser:

It is pronounced "HYUUGO". (Consonants are pronounced more or less the same way as in English. "U" sounds like oo in hook, but with less rounding of the lips. "O" sounds like o in old. Double vowels like "UU" are held for twice the duration of single vowels.)

It is pronounced "ARUVARO". (Consonants are pronounced more or less the same way as in English. "A" sounds like a in father, but shorter. "U" sounds like oo in
hook, but with less rounding of the lips. "O" sounds like o in old.)


It is pronounced "MIRANDA". (Consonants are pronounced more or less the same way as in English. "A" sounds like a in father, but shorter. "I" sounds like ee in
meet, but shorter.)
Lastimosamente no se puede traducir mi Segundo Apellido. :(

Pero a ver si alguno se atreve a hacerlo la pagina es Japanese Translator .co .uk

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